Thursday, December 15, 2011

Winter Break has arrived!

One of the most wonderful things about being back in school is that each fall and spring, I get a week-long mid-term break called Reading Week, and in between terms, get an entire *month* off. Well…the Irish system is a bit different in the sense that where I’m used to having all of my papers and exams done and submitted before the end of the term in December, my essays here aren’t due until the start of next term in January. This is a mixed blessing in the sense that while it’s nice to have the extra month to work on my final essay, it’s not the complete freedom of break that I was used to in the States. Still, that will have to wait until I return to Dublin because I am off to see the world this break!

Week 1: a little fun in the sun in Morocco
Weeks 2 – 3: a white Christmas and New Year fireworks in Switzerland
Week 4: work on that last pesky essay, with a class trip to Belfast for a few days too

Can’t wait!!!

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