Thursday, December 8, 2011

Rombo Table Quiz

The Dublin Central Rotary Club had a table quiz fundraiser last night for the Light of Maasai charity that the club and district support in Rombo, Kenya. Elaine Bannon, a Dubliner, moved there to do community work after visiting the community during a safari about ten years and has been dedicating her life to improving the living conditions and food security for the local Maasai people ever since. You can read more about her story here – pretty inspiring and definitely giving me some ideas for a charity project at the end of my Rotary year.

It was also a fun opportunity for me to bring some friends along to see where I disappear to each Wednesday night. We had a great time at the quiz, though I realized just how much I need to brush up on my contemporary Irish knowledge:
- Who is the current Lord Mayor of Dublin? (Andrew Montague)
- What year was the Battle of the Boyne? (1690)

On the other hand, our table of international students was able to put our knowledge to use on a few questions here and there:
- What country is home to the Tamil Tigers? (Sri Lanka – we’d had a lecture on it just days earlier)
- Chicago is located on which Great Lake? (Michigan, where I vacation most summers)
- What is the currency in Mexico? (The peso – more common knowledge in the US than in Europe though).

It was a rough couple of rounds for those of us not raised in Ireland and a few years ‘less wise’ than our fellow competitors, but in the end, both the first-place and last-place teams won a bottle of wine, and while I’d rather not say which place we took, we did go home happy!

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