Sunday, November 27, 2011

Need Directions?

So on the way back from Fanore today, we stopped on the side of the road in town to consult the map for…if not fastest route back, then most scenic to Dublin. Within about 30 seconds, a kind man knocked on my window and asked if he could give us directions. Stuff like this is why I love Ireland.

So we set off on the scenic route that he assured us all the locals took – just 3 miles down the road, take a right at the circle with the flowerbeds, and a left after that. It’s faster than the main road, and has the best view in the country of Galway Bay. It’s not a T-intersection when you turn left though, just a left.

So we more or less followed those directions. Matt began to doubt just a bit after mile 5, but we did find the flowerbed a little further down, the correct left at a T-intersection, and one beautiful view. Lesson: ask the locals – they know!

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