Saturday, November 26, 2011

Cliffs of Moher and Public Houses

Our little excursion of the day today was out to visit the Cliffs of Moher. I was last there exactly two years ago when I visited my friend Elyse, who was studying in Galway at the time, over Thanksgiving break.

The cliffs haven’t changed much and I have to say, neither has the weather. We got lucky today though – it was windy and overcast, but in 2009, we caught a day that was windy, overcast, and absolutely pouring down rain, so I’m calling it a win.

We stopped in Doolin on the way back for a couple of pints by the fireplace in a local pub. I’d heard the stories of pubs – ‘public houses’ – being family friendly in Ireland, but hadn’t yet had occasion to find out for myself. It was amazing to experience. We walked in from the wind to the warmth and smell of a coal fire, and found a table just next to it. The pub had a highchair for Robbie, candy for the boys, and pints for the adults. The boys sat with us for a bit to do a puzzle and have some chips (French fries), then ran around the pub playing and giggling and amusing the rest of the pub-goers – truly, everyone from the college students at the table to the old man at the bar were watching them have a good time with a smile on their faces. Not something I’m used to seeing in America by any means, and another reason I love Irish culture.

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