Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Day in Sunny Dún Laoghaire

Elise is here! It’s “Reading Week” now, a time midway through the semester when there are no classes so you have time to catch up on your studies. I, on the other hand, have interpreted it as “spring break” and the ideal time for my college roommate to come for a visit and explore more of this country’s great beauty with me!

Elise left snowy Iowa and landed in sunny Dublin early this morning ready to see the sites, but I just couldn’t stand to spend such a gorgeous day touring the insides of museums, so after a lovely breakfast at my local café, Cinnamon, we decided to let the museums wait a day and made our way instead to Dún Laoghaire, a port town on the south side of Dublin Bay.

We took a leisurely stroll in to town through St. Stephen’s Green, and had our cameras ready to capture the sites: the Molly Malone statue, buskers (musicians playing) on Grafton Street as leprechauns wandered by soliciting donations to their pots of gold, and through Trinity’s main square with a brief detour through the Book of Kells and old library before arriving at Pearse Station to catch the Dart train to the seaside.

With such a pleasant day, we spent most of our time in Dún Laoghaire strolling along the promenade, catching up on the news back home, and eating ice cream from Teddy’s, the local establishment, because it was a sunny day in February and we could.

We even caught sight of a few brave souls scuba diving in wetsuits, and bravest (craziest?) wetsuit-free, swimming around the historic Forty Foot beach, once a ‘Gentleman’s bathing place’ (read: nude beach), but now co-ed and (somewhat) clothed.

The jetlag set in about mid-afternoon for Elise, and I was a bit tired from our class potluck the night before* so we headed back to the house for dinner and a movie and to plot our next adventures. [*Sidebar: my apple-snicker side salad was a hit, though certain of my classmates questioned calling my creation a ‘salad’ when to them anything involving whipped cream and a candybar was clearly a dessert, apple or not…we agreed to disagree.]

We have a full week ahead of us, continuing first thing tomorrow morning. Check back for posts on some more of Dublin’s tourist highlights and few day trips around the island (and possibly off it!).

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