Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 2: Nerding out about Grad School

I slept in today, then walked into campus (I’d been told it was about a 30 minute walk – the Irish must be fast walkers because it definitely took me the better part of an hour), spent some time looking for accommodation and registering for my program and running around requesting documents I'll need for immigration next week, then made it to the last few minutes of postgraduate orientation, where I met up with Shannon again and her friend Christen, who turned out to be in International Peace Studies too!

We all went to a wine reception following the orientation hosted by the Grad Student’s Union (the president of which turns out to be a U of I grad from Chicago), then out to dinner. Our table had students in social work, global health, peace studies, international management, literature, and another degree or two that I’m forgetting and we had the best conversations about topics ranging from life in Dublin and Irish culture to whether depicting violence in the media desensitizes people to the impact of such violence to new immigration trends in Europe and the level of measured racism among European citizens. Yes, in a pub on a Friday night. I am definitely in grad school – and anxious to begin!

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